Friday, June 29, 2012

painted wooden forks

I've seen painted wooden utensils before (all over Pinterest) and I think they're super cute. 
However, I've always thought they were too much work for a large party. 
Well, for our "Little Brave Man" baby shower I decided to give them a try and I'm so glad I did!
Here's how I painted about 30 forks in about 30 minutes-ish 
(I really don't remember how long it took, I just know it was worth it). 
First, lay out your forks on a sheet of kraft paper or something similar. 
Next, tape off the areas you want and don't want painted. 
I wanted slanted and uneven sections, so it made my taping easy. 
Get your paint ready and... 
Now, let the paint dry and then remove the tape. 
Next time I'll get a better quality painters tape. 
A few forks needed some touch-ups, so don't throw away your paint until you're sure you're done. 
I pretty much love them and they matched our color pallet perfectly. 
My wooden forks were purchased from Birchware on Amazon.
Kelli Trontel took the 1st picture, the rest are mine. 

Have you painted utensils before? Was it worth your time?


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